We are excited to announce that Jody Belsher, the Director/Producer of The Other Side of Cannabis: Negative Effects of Marijuana on our Youth will be at the 2015 Prevention Conference! She will be presenting the film and answering questions.
The Other Side of Cannabis is an independent film project created by ordinary citizens with no political or economic affiliations or interests, other than bringing attention to the negative effects of marijuana on our youth–adolescents, teenagers and young adults whose brains are still forming.
They are reaching out to our youth, as well as educators, medical and health professionals, researchers, and media, in addition to recovery and treatment center programs, behavioral health departments, law enforcement, and others who influence our youth. In order to make an informed decision to use marijuana, it is important to know the potential risks. This film is not about legalization nor medicinal treatments. While there may be times when components of marijuana are appropriate to use medicinally under proper medical guidance, the message that marijuana is safe, natural and harmless as a recreational substance, must be weighed against the evidence of associated risks.
*You will be required to wear your name tag to each session, keynote, and meal.