Did you know that over St. Patrick’s Day weekends from 2009 to 2013, there were a total of 276 lives lost in drunk-driving crashes? There are so many other #SubstanceFree fun things to do this year for St. Patrick’s Day.
In 2014, college students in Michigan organized #SubstanceFree events to combat binge drinking. You can do the same thing in your community! Organize a school dance or lock-in, have a Lucky Charms cereal eating contest, a parade with your friends and pets, or watch movies. The possibilities are endless!
If you see a drunk driver on the road, call local law enforcement. You could save a life. A third of all crash fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers. If you know someone who is about to drive drunk or ride with someone who is impaired, help them make other arrangements to get to where they are going safely. If a friend is drunk and wants to drive, take the keys away. Don’t worry about offending someone—they’ll thank you later.
We hope you have a safe and #SubstanceFree St. Patrick’s Day!
For more information on safety during St. Patrick’s Day, visit the Traffic Safety Marketing website.