Milton Creagh, known professionally as Bigg Milt, has been an active part of the national drug awareness and prevention movement for over thirty years. In that time period he has spoken to students, parents, law enforcement and coalitions in 49 of our 50 states, Canada, the Carribean, South Africa, and Great Britain. He was the host and developer for the Parents’ Resource Institute for Drug Education, (PRIDE)’s “Parent to Parent” Program, to help minority parents raise drug free children. Bigg Milt also hosted the award winning PBS television Series, “Parenting Works”.
Mr. Creagh has written two books: “Nobody Wants Your Child” which identifies some of the things parents may do in child rearing that contribute to their children being undesirable in the corporate workplace, and “Don’t Let the Pothead Drive Your Bus”, for teens and young adults to share life lessons to help them navigate the difficult waters of entering the world of Independence.