Jordyn Mays is a Junior at Calvary Lutheran High School in Jefferson City, MO. She is involved in Student Government as a Sophomore Class Representative, Survive and Thrive Volunteer, and Operation Christmas Child, and she served on committees for Faith Fest Planning, School Orientation, Dress Code, and Girl’s Night. She has been a member of SADD for two years and attended the Speak Hard Youth Conference. She belongs to FBLA, FTA, Scholar Bowl, and was a Middle School Tournament volunteer. Her accolades include: Honor Roll, Academic Letter, Algebra Class Award, and Earth Science Class Award. She placed 1st in the Scholar Bowl, Father Tolton Algebra Contest, and CCAA Math Contest. Jordyn also has volunteered many hours of community service at the Special Learning Center and Basketball and Volleyball Service Days. She explains, “I have a close friend who had a personal experience with (substance use). I helped when I could, but due to my lack of knowledge on the subject, I was limited on what I could say to her. I would like to join this program to understand the who’s, what’s, and why’s around those who abuse substances, and ways that I can help prevent this from endangering my community”.