Hunter is a senior at Morgan County R-II. She is involved in Tobacco Free, FCCLA, soccer, and her church’s youth group. She enjoys her work in Tobacco Free because she feels like she is making a difference in the world.
Hunter also enjoys volunteering for a variety of causes in her community, including her church and Camp Wonderland. She also coaches soccer for two soccer teams in the under 6 and under 11 age category.
Preventing drug and alcohol use is important to Hunter because she has seen the effects of substance use in her community. Through her work with her coalition and school groups, Hunter hopes to take a stand and show teens what happens if they start using substances now, and what their future can look like if they continue.
Hunter shares that when teens don’t do drugs or drink, they are able to make clearer decisions and feel better about themselves. They also live a longer and more healthy life. With making clearer decisions they are not putting other peoples lives at risk.