A new cost-effective, easy to use method of disposing of prescription drugs will soon be available in Missouri. ACT Missouri and the Substance Abuse Prevention Network are providing the Deterra Drug Deactivation System to ten Regional Support Centers across Missouri.
In 2014, Missouri collected over 33,000 pounds of prescription medications through take-back events and permanent drop boxes. Each year this amount increases, and there is a concern that if these events do not continue, there will be a significant increase in medications available in homes that could lead to abuse. There is also the concern that people will return to disposing of these medications in ways that are unsafe. According to the 2014 Missouri Student Survey, 28.6% of students though it was very easy or sort of easy to obtain prescription drugs.
“Prescription drug abuse is a real problem in Missouri,” said Natalie Newville, Public Information Officer for ACT Missouri. “One way to help curb that issue is offering free, easy, safe disposable to local communities. It is our hope that the Deterra Drug Deactivation System is one tool that local communities can use to assist in lowering the percentage of people abusing prescription drugs.”
For 23 years, ACT Missouri has been serving as the statewide prevention catalyst, empowering individuals and fostering partnership to promote safe, healthy, and drug-free communities. We believe in healthy individuals, healthy communities, and a healthy Missouri. Resources are available to communities by contacting us at info@actmissouri.org.
Contact Information:
Natalie Newville
Public Information Officer
ACT Missouri
428 E. Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City, MO 65101
(573) 635-6669