ACT Missouri, the Missouri Substance Use Prevention Network, and the Division of Behavioral health honored some champions of prevention during lunch at the Prevention Conference on November 28th. Congratulations to these coalitions and individuals who made remarkable advances in their communities this year! They received a plaque and a signed Senate Resolution for their accomplishments.
Coalition of the Year

Communities Taking Action (CTA) has been working since 1995 to promote awareness of alcohol and substance use, offer resources to assist community members in combating the use of drugs by youth, and provide children a drug-free community in which to grow and reach their full potential. They are an integral part of their community, advocating for the reduction of youth substance use and assuring a healthy and vibrant future for the youth of Shelby County.
In 2006, CTA opened the Shelby County Teen Center which has helped to reduce dropout rates by 10%. The coalition implements evidence-based programs such as the Building Strong Families curriculum. They host many youth alternative activities such as basketball tournaments, 5th quarter events after football games, asset building activities, community education events, family fun nights, summer reading programs, business expos, and town hall meetings. They are an integral part of their community, advocating for the reduction of youth substance use and assuring a healthy and vibrant future for the youth of Shelby County.
Champion of Change for Prevention Award

When not serving as a professor in the UMKC School of Pharmacy at MSU, Dr. Heather Lyons-Burney can be found volunteering her time for many causes across multiple counties in Southwest Missouri. In business, in education, and in life; Dr. Lyons-Burney continues to be a champion for the communities and causes that she serves.”
In Taney County, she helped establish the non-profit Faith Community Health Clinic, where she continues to volunteer as a pharmacist and board member. She worked with Taney County Commissioners to establish a county-wide PDMP ordinance and serves as Co-Chair of ADAPT, a current DFC grantee and past CADCA Got Outcomes Coalitions of Excellence award winner.
In Greene County, she brought together area pharmacists, hospitals, and UMKC students to form the DREAM (Drug Responsibility Education and Advocacy Movement) coalition.
Champion of Change for Prevention Award

Don and Millie Lepley, Tri-C Coalition, Conception City
Due to an unexpected blizzard in northwest Missouri, the Lepleys were unable to attend the conference. A local school provided a live telecast of their surprising award presentation. You will be hard-pressed to find individuals in their upper 80’s (Millie is 89 now!) who are as immersed in prevention efforts as they are. They have been a part of the coalition for 17 years and have invested personally and financially in the coalition and the community.
Don and Millie help with various community and coalition events. They volunteer to assist with Easter egg hunts, back to school bashes, Santa work shop, Halloween Fest, hayrides and the supervision of monthly Teen Beat, a substance-free teen hang out. They both participate in the roadside cleanup efforts consisting of the 2 miles of highway adopted by the Teen Beat. Don and Millie also work at the Community-Wide Cleanup Day sponsored by the coalition. They have given rides, helped chaperone, cooked hotdogs and provided other help as needed. They have donated an abundance of personal money to prevention efforts and towards maintenance of the Teen Beat and have dedicated their lives to improving the environmental factors of at-risk youth.
Prevention Emeritus Award

Compass Health Network would like to congratulate Diane Ooton on her extraordinary prevention career to Central Missouri. The prevention field has been very fortunate to have such a dedicated, hard-working, knowledgeable coordinator. Diane was also a mentor and a teacher for the next generation of prevention specialists. Her compassion for what she did proved positively through the many lives she has touched. We are forever grateful for her service.
2018 Milestone in Prevention Award

For over 10 years, Jefferson County Drug Prevention Coalition has worked to help reduce youth substance use, and in the past year, JCDPC staff, executive board members, and volunteers have dedicated their time and effort into ensuring the sustainability of the coalition beyond the final year of their DFC grant. JCDPC was a leader in community organizing for passing the county wide PDMP. They coordinate the Jefferson County Drug Education Conference for professionals seeking training about local issues related to substance use.
Their Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is a group of youth leaders from different high schools who have committed to work on prevention measures that matter to them. TAB provides a comprehensive media campaign around Prom and Homecoming, its students are certified in conducting a Peer OTC Medication Safety Program, and in Nov, TAB will host their first Youth Drug Education Conference. Their commitment to prevention has held them together through challenges and the results speak for themselves.
2018 Milestone in Prevention Award

Caldwell County Cares Coalition, (CCC) is a well-established and respected grass-roots coalition that is valued by the community for the work and contributions they provide. Since 2013, CCC has provided educational programs and prevention events that target local youth and parents. They have worked relentlessly to identify gaps in their area; bringing the community together to seek resources to fill those gaps. They recently passed a Tobacco 21 ordinance and provided prevention messaging to the high intensity drug area of Hideaway Lakes.
CCC hosts an annual “Gifting the Grads” program to provide resources to seniors to help them achieve independence and avoid the negative impact substance use has on their future endeavors. They have made a great impact and rallied various stakeholders from multiple sectors to affect positive change.
ACT Missouri extends our full gratitude for the efforts and accomplishments of these true prevention champions.