Media Alert
Contact: Natalie Newville
573-635-6669 (office)
660-596-9578 (cell-day of event)
13th Annual Speak Hard Youth Conference Held in Jefferson City
Why: Speak Hard has given youth the opportunity to learn about underage drinking, substance abuse, and prevention since 2005. Once again Missouri teen voices will unite at the State Capital to attend workshops, march to the Capitol, and visit with legislators. A highlight of the day will be an Outstanding Youth Prevention Award ceremony, honoring teens from across the state who have proven to be dedicated to prevention.
What: A wide array of experts will present on substance abuse and prevention topics, including several youth presenters. Kyle Scheele, the 2017 keynote, is a professional youth speaker, amateur beard grower, and full-time adventurous life-liver. But Kyle isn’t like any speaker you’ve seen before. Rather than lecturing students with a list of what NOT to do, Kyle shows students how their lives will be defined by the things they DO: the actions they take, the people they help, and the lives that they change.
At noon, teens from across Missouri will be honored with the 2017 Outstanding Youth Prevention Award.
When: Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 8:00am-2:30pm
Where: Capitol Plaza Hotel, 415 W McCarty St, Jefferson City, MO
Visit the Speak Hard page for more information on the event.