During the 2018 Legislative Session, ACT Missouri tracked 67 substance use/behavioral health bills. Out of the thousands that were filed, only 148 made it to the finish line, were “Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed”, and will now be sent to the Governor to sign into law.
HB 2034
HB 2034 exempts industrial hemp, defined as Cannabis sativa L. containing no greater than .3% THC, from the list of controlled substances and makes it legal for a person who has received a license to grow, harvest, cultivate, and process hemp. The Department of Agriculture will implement this pilot program.
SB 718
SB 718 modifies provisions relating to maintenance medication filled by a pharmacist. It contains many other facets including the medical use of hemp extract, drug take back programs, discontinuation of using patient satisfaction scores regarding pain, increasing insurance coverage of Medication Assisted Recovery, and designating 2018-2028 as the Show-Me Freedom from Opioid Addiction Decade. SB 826 modifies provisions relating to pharmacy, including drug disposal, prescription limitations for controlled substances, and vaccine protocols.
If you are interested in the Department of Mental Health’s appropriation information, click below.
ACT Missouri would like to thank you for your advocacy efforts, both at home and at the dome. Please remember that the best time to build rapport with your legislators is when they are in their local districts. Meet with them, explain the importance of prevention and behavioral health policies, and demonstrate how your community is reducing youth substance use!